Thursday, 7 February 2008

So What Exactly IS Hypnotherapy?

By Richard Haggerty BA (Hons), Master Hypnotherapist

People considering a hypnosis or hypnotherapy session for the first time are often unclear about what it is or whether it will help them – or even how to go about making initial contact to find out more. Not only have they got the fear that they might not get rid of their own problem but there is the fear of the unknown – a new therapy, a hypnotist they do not know etc. If you have been feeling anxious, then you are not alone and it is only right that you have questions.

What Is Hypnotherapy?
It is the clinical application of hypnosis. Hypnosis is defined as “a narrow state of attention where a person is focused on one thing or things to the exclusion of all else.” Hypnosis can also be defined as the “induction of conviction” because you are able to change beliefs and become more certain in your own abilities. Usually, a client works with a hypnotherapy practitioner in one or more sessions to gain access to greater latent abilities in the subconscious mind and overcome whatever is the presenting problem. The subconscious is the repository of all your memories, emotions, thoughts and the part of you that grows hair, builds blood cells and regulates your heartbeat – all without your having to give any thought to these processes. Because the unconscious mind is so powerful (and theoretically infinite in its capacity), it makes sense to tap in this wider part of you when making changes.

What Can Hypnotherapy Be Used For?
Most people are aware it can be useful for smoking cessation and weight control. But it also highly effective with anxieties, phobias, nail biting, blushing, sleep disorders, improving sports performance and pretty much anything you can think of. Your hypnotherapist can tell you their portfolio of problems they work with.

Is Hypnotherapy The Same As Mind Control?
No. There is often a confusion that people will be “going under” as is apparently the case with stage hypnosis. This is NOT the case. You will be aware at all times and with heightened attention. Many studies have consistently shown that a subject will not doing anything that is against their core values when in trance. Since you are aware at all times, it is YOUR choice to follow the suggestions.

What Is The Difference Between Hypnotherapy And Stage Hypnosis?
Stage hypnosis is a show whereby the entertainer (stage hypnotist) picks five or so people who he has noticed are highly suggestible and keen to participate. These people tend to respond very directly to commands, whether or not they are in a deep level of trance. Most people are therefore NOT suitable for participation in a stage act. However, everyone can enjoy various states of trance and benefit from hypnotherapy.

How Will I Know I Am “In Trance”?
This is very personal and subjective, yet you have undoubtedly had many common experiences of being in trance already. When you are watching TV, the telephone is ringing and you haven’t noticed – because you have been engrossed in program or film. Or driving along a motorway and suddenly you notice that you are four exits past where you wanted to get off and you can’t remember the last few miles. Other hypnotic phenomena include “negative hallucination” where you just can’t seem to find your household keys, no matter how hard you look!

If you would like to find out more, the hardest thing is to make the initial contact, for fear of being “sold” something or not knowing what to ask, or a million other reasons. I know how tricky it can feel – that’s why I recommend an informal chat with me on 02920 193978 to ask any questions you would like, without obligation.

Richard Haggerty BA (Hons)
Master Hypnotherapist


Dave Sabat said...

Well said Richard. Your post is very informative and helpful to those who still think that hypnotherapists have spiral eyes and wave a pocket watch! Your wise words dispell some of these myths.

Kind regards,

Dave Sabat DCH DHP

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy Blog

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comments Dave! As these are common concerns and questions about hypnosis, I thought it would be helpful to do a short post for folk. People are often surprised to discover how relaxing, enjoyable and effortless "trance" is.
