Wednesday, 12 September 2007

How Can Hypnosis Help You To Lose Weight Now?

Hypnosis is the ability to focus powerfully on one thing to the exclusion of all else. In this receptive state you are able to literally tap in to much more of your latent abilities and, in doing so, change habits.

Being overweight typically creates a vicious cycle for people. They eat for “comfort” and to “reward themselves.” They then feel anxious, upset or depressed about the extra weight and are less motivated to exercise or change eating habits. Past a certain point, they feel out of control and unable to lose those extra pounds.

People often resort to trying to “dieting” i.e. cutting out eating or reducing eating, depriving themselves, losing a few pounds, then getting fed up and over-eating again – but in scoffing even more than before and feeling worse than they did before. Obviously, the key is to create sustainable habits of thinking, eating and exercising that allow you to consistently feel good and healthy.

Hypnosis and NLP are able to communicate directly with the habit-forming part of you, the part that is much bigger than who we think we are, commonly called the subconscious or unconscious mind. This is the part that regulates such things as impulse control, metabolism and fat-burning capability.

Studies have shown that mental preparation, combined with appropriate eating and exercise habits can assist a person in overcoming old patterns of yo-yo dieting. Furthermore, hypnosis can assist a person to become more motivated to lose weight and eat healthily. Newer NLP processes (which allow for a form of conversational hypnosis) can further strengthen the connection between the conscious decision to lose weight and the unconscious habit-forming part.

For example, I worked with a client recently to change habits of over-eating crisps, chocolate and pizza, whilst strengthening her desire to eat properly and adopt regular sensible exercise patterns. Trance also allows for greater control of autonomic processes and it is even possible to increase metabolic rate through suggestions.

Tips for losing weight:-

• Set a date to lose weight and write down exactly how you wish to be different. This gives your mind a direction to start heading in

• Write down your reasons for wanting to be a different weight. Why is this an overwhelming “MUST” in you life? Look for the benefits, how you will feel, look and what being this new body will do for you.

• Find some people who can assist you – either hypnotherapists, people who have been successful already in losing weight healthily and keeping it off or find books by people who have successfully achieved what you want to

- Visit for tips, advice and a free online course.

If you are fed up with your weight, feel out of control or are interested in losing those last few pounds before the summer, then call now for a free consultation on 02920 193978.

For more information and latest tips, check out our Squidoo lens at

Tips To Lose Weight

Till next time.

Warm regards,

Richard Haggerty
Certified Master Hypnotherapist

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