Sunday, 16 September 2007

Hypnotherapist Reveals 10 Tricks To Quit Smoking

Did you know that hypnosis can ensure YOUR success in quitting smoking?

Imagine the benefits of a smoke-free life now. Greater energey, more confidence and control over your life. No more smelly breath and being ostracised or having to leave a pub or club for a sneaky cigarette, as if you were back in school hiding from teachers.

Renowned Master Hypnotherapist and Life Coach Richard Haggerty is making available through his website, his 10 tricks to stop smoking online course to ensure that Cardiff smokers can quit smoking before the end of 2007. The articles provide tools and exercises that any smoker can use to quit smoking cold turkey without patches, gum, or pills.

"Over the past decade, I have developed and refined a quit smoking program that uses hypnosis to make even chronic smokers smoke-free after just one session," reports Richard. "I am pleased to make the 10 Tricks I provide to all of my clients available to the public via this free online course."

Since clients typically have the same worries and concerns and I spent a considerable amount of time educating them and assisting them to prioritise the goal of stopping smoking, it made sense to provide a course that people could use to do that for themselves. If they would like extra assistance, then I am also here to provide there in my personal one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions.

Richard is a certified master hypnotherapist and life coach with over 10 years of clinical experience. He is the number-one Doctor recommended hypnotherapist in the Cardiff area. Richard has helped hundreds of patients quit smoking using his revolutionary program.

Readers of the "10 Tricks" articles will learn about proven techniques that have helped many smokers through the difficulty of quitting cigarettes. The articles give guidance on prioritizing the goal, focusing on results, managing stress, and other keys to successful smoking cessation. "The hypnosis session, either in person, is the engine for quitting smoking," says Richard, "the 10 Tricks are the fuel that keeps the engine turning."

Richard’s success rates for stopping smoking have made him the premier stop smoking clinic in South Wales.

Letters and e-mails from recent satisfied clients include:-

"I stopped smoking and feel so relaxed now. I don’t want to smoke again – EVER! It really worked 100%." - Mrs Nicolai

“I stopped smoking in one hour. It worked!” - Ifan Ramage

“Richard (Stop Smoking Cardiff), Thank you for your recent letter [to follow up the single non-smoking session]. I would like to just say that I have been off the cigarettes since my visit to you [since January 2006] and I haven’t looked back”
- Dave Limburn

Richard is located in Canton, Cardiff and on the web

To access the "10 Tricks" articles or that helps smokers in taking the first step to quit, please visit or call Richard direct on 02920 193978.

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